Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Applying Narrative theory

Tim O’Sullivan argues that all media texts tell us some kind of story. He suggests that, narratives have a common structure, starting with the establishment of plot or theme. Through careful mediation, media texts offer a way of telling stories about ourselves – not usually our own personal stories, but the story of us as a culture or set of cultures. Narrative theory sets out to show that what we experience when we ‘read’ a story is to understand a particular set of constructions, or conventions, and that it is important to be aware of how these constructions are put together.
The video Katy Perry 'Thinking of you' is a perfect example of Tim O’Sullivan's narrative theory, the video tells the story of a woman who lost her husband at war. The video uses, cinematography in the start by a close up shot of the man at war, then she brings the photo closer to her showing her love and loss This gives the audience an idea of the plot and setting. The mise-en-scene here is strong in the video using old fashion costume and hairstyles to enhance the war period. There is a clear theme to the video of love, war and remembrance. Within the narrative the character is having flash backs to when her husband was alive, showing the experience of her personal story and culture at that time. The video follows conventions in order for audiences to understand and follow the narrative. For example a change in camera effects in the flash back, and using iconography (posters) from that era of the 1st world war. The video is patriotic and fully represents the war era and culture. It allows audiences to relate.

Andrew Goodwin argues that in music videos, narrative and meaning can be created from the individual viewers own personal taste and interpretations of media texts and uses intertextuality, how media texts use knowledge of culture through shared texts and are then refernced and recycled.
Because this music video was not made during the war period the institution uses old media texts to understand reality from previous time and take reference from them to represent the culture, however cultural reference are based on all media texts understanding of reality in that time. Therefore Katy perry thinking of you is based on previous media texts from the past not real expirence from the culture and era.

Bordwell and Thompson offer two distinctions between story and the plot which relate to the diegetic world and narrative audiences actually see.
Fabula- all the events in the narrative we see and infer, chronological series of events, in this music video the events that take place are  she is remebering her husband at war, she is having flashbacks of there time together, she is then with her new boyfriend but she is still thinking of her previous husband, clearly showing how the relationship is not as good than before. At the end it the letter saying the he was killed in action. And Katy getting dressed in black about to go the the funeral.


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