Tuesday 31 March 2015

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Through out my media project audience feedback was a vital element. To understand what they like, what they don't, because the audience are the ones that will watch the video and interact with the products.  I obtained audience feedback at 3 different stages research before, planning the video/ starting filming and after as part of the evaluation. The audience feedback really helped me on knowing what will work and weather my ideas were good and who my target audience are.
For the audience feedback for my evaluation I went to social media as I found that my target audience exploit social media. Social media is also a casual way off communication that will allow the audience to be honest and combatable when giving the feedback. I also used a survey to receive feedback using getfeedback.com. I think using a survey is good because anyone can answer and they can answer anonymously, so that they are not afraid to tell the truth.
As a part of my evaluation I wanted to get feedback on my final/completed video, to see weather it was successful or not. And to see what my target audience thinks of my video.
As a part of my planning and research I made a questionnaire, and asked for feedback on the idea of my video, I have posted the results of my blog, and these results were very helpful and informative to me. It let me know where to post my video, MTV, YouTube/ Vevo what my target audience would like to see in a music video combination of narrative and performance and why they watch music videos, for reasons such as entertainment and to get to know the artist. I also got advice reassurance and confidence from the audience research.

From the feedback I received, the reactions were mainly positive, e.g achieving 3.67 stars out of 5 and the collection of good comments. The shots of New York work the best and are popular with the viewers. Also people seemed to like how my video used a wide range of camera shots, angles and framing.

During the filming/ planning I needed to make sure people liked the sound of my idea, I also wanted to find out weather my video should include a voice over or not. Therefore I asked a range of people of different ages and genders giving them my video idea, story, theme and the idea of a voice over. I used social media to ask people for feedback because lots of people use it and it is easy to use.
This feedback reassured me that my idea will work for the song and helped me to decide weather or not to use the voice over. I went with the majority vote which was to use the voice over.


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